Frome Valley Citizens
Active Class Citizens
Each class has its own active class citizen project that it works on throughout the year. These projects support the children in being active citizens of the world or the local community and help them think about how they can contribute to making the world a better place.
If children need to raise funds, they find ways to do this. They make decisions about how to work towards their active class citizen project.
Examples of projects include: Reception class visiting Crossways Court (a social housing retirement place); Year 1 pupils raising funds to buy 'treats' for the local food bank, such as Easter Eggs or Christmas treats; Year 4 linking with Dementia Pen Pals.
Reward Systems
Wow Cards
A child earns WOW stickers for hard work, for effort, for learning and progress and for a particular outstanding piece of work. There is no limit to the amount of WOW stickers a child can receive.
Children collect their WOW stickers on a card. Each child begins the academic year with an empty bronze WOW card. They need to collect 10 stickers to complete their bronze card. Then, they move to a Silver WOW card and finally to a Gold WOW card, collecting 10 stickers each time. When children have completed their WOW cards, they take their card home to celebrate their success with their parents. Completed WOW cards are also celebrated in our termly Sharing Assembly.
When children complete their Gold WOW cards, they receive a book from Miss Thorp, the Headteacher, to celebrate their success. Miss Thorp keeps a selection of books in her office for the child to choose from.
Marble Time
All children receive Marble Time when the whole class has achieved its class behaviour goal. Each class decides on a goal and then work collectively to achieve their goal by collecting 20 marbles. When they have earned Marble Time, the class gets 45 mins Marble Time when they can bring in a special toy or activity to play during Marble Time. Children have to work hard to achieve their Marble Time and they are always proud of their achievements when they achieve it!
CLASS Citizens
Each term, children vote in their class for 2 children that have been good citizens for that term. These children receive a citizenship certificate in our termly sharing assembly. Each year, in July, the children vote for their overall class citizen for the year. These children are celebrated during our KS1 and KS2 Celebration Assembly.
Class Dojo Points
Our children can gain class and individual Dojo points for being a good citizen. This includes demonstrating our 3 core values of respect, perseverance and compassion or being a good citizen around the school. Children can also be awarded Dojo points for being a good Eco Warrior! Dojo points are also linked to demonstrating good learning behaviour such as "ready to learn" and being a good listener or a good talking partner. Children can "cash in" their Dojo Points for rewards such as "being royalty for the day" or bringing in their pet for the afternoon!
The School Kindness Tree
In our school hall, there is a very large Kindness Tree. It reminds the children, every day, that we expect kind hands and kind words within our school. Each class collects kindness tokens during break and lunchtime and, at the end of each week, a leaf is put onto the tree for the class that has shown the greatest kindness that week. At the end of each term, the class with the most leaves on the tree earns itself extra marble time for that term.