Key Stage 2 Sharing Assembly

This term's sharing assembly was led by Kaylin and Logan from Year 4.
We began this term's Sharing Assembly by celebrating the many achievements the children have had outside of school. These included progress in swimming, gymnastics, music, dance, martial arts, rugby, scouts and beavers and basketball. 
Special recognition was given to Samuel and Logan from Year 4 who completed the Julia's House Extra Mile Run raising £85 and £115 respectively. We also celebrated the outstanding fundraising of Alice in Year 3, who not only helped the school raise £120 through the 5p challenge, but also helped to raise over £3,400 for the Dorset Cancer Appeal! Well done, we are very proud of you all!
We also celebrated all the children who have already achieved their Bronze WOW cards.
Year 3 presented their learning for this term. This included some fantastic French finger rhymes and a great demonstration of their developing vocabulary. They also shared their knowledge of "Stone Age to Iron Age" through diary entries they had created about the hunter gatherer lifestyle. 
Year 4 shared their poetry topic from Literacy. The first poems shared were inspired by "Cold Dreams" by Pie Corbett, which used simile to describe autumnal objects. They also wrote metaphor poems based on "Grandma is a warm scarf".
Year 4 also presented cinquain poems (which follow a 2,4,6,8,2 syllable pattern) about their favourite foods and, finally, poems about the Magic Box. The Magic Box contains everyday and ordinary objects that are made extraordinary and impossible! Excellent presentation year 4!
Congratulations to our Year 3 and 4 Citizens. These children were chosen by others in the class for demonstrating the school core values and being excellent citizens.