Values Day 2016

World Values Day
Values are what make us who we are. They are the compass guiding everything we do – our choices and our actions. When we forget that compass, we take the wrong turn. It’s the same for our families, for our communities, for the world'

Our values show us the way.

To celebrate and emphasise the importance of values, Frome Valley participated in 'World Values Day'. Each class focused on a value of their choice and revisited our 3 core values; respect, compassion and perseverance.  

Reception Class
Reception class focused on the value of 'Friendship'.  We spent a lot of time talking about our feelings and how much of an effect 'friendship' can have on them.  Through role play activities and using feeling fans, we deepened our understanding of this. We then read the story of 'The Rainbow Fish' and spoke about what a 'good friend' is.  We each wrote a word on a 'fish scale' that represented a 'good friend' and then put all the scales together to create our own Rainbow Fish to put above our classroom door.  We agreed that this would remind us everyday to be the best friends we can be all day, every day! 
Year 1
Year 1 looked at the value of kindness. We watched the video: ‘Can you fill someone’s bucket today?’ which focused on saying kind and positive thoughts to others to fill up their ‘bucket’.
We then created a class bucket and throughout the week added in ‘kindness tokens’ when someone had been kind.

Year 4
As we are in our final year at Frome Valley, Class 4 explored the value of Hope and considered our Hopes, Dreams and Goals for the future as we move on to new things. Inspired by the Mary Poppins song "Anything Can Happen" we set ourselves challenges for the year ahead and will revisit these to see if we have achieved our hopes and dreams at the end of the year. 
Hopes and Dreams included:
"Making better friendships"              " To improve my handwriting"             "To know all my times tables"
Year 4 also explored other values that were important to them and used Wordle to create personalised art work showing themselves and their values. 
Year 3
To begin the day, a selection of 10 values were shared with the children. Using these values the children had to sort them into order of importance and justify their answers. Of course we all had different ideas so the debate was very interesting. 

We then looked at each of the school's three core values in more detail:

 Respect- we watched 'That Thing Called Respect' and learnt about how we can show respect to people and places. 

Compassion- we watched ‘Compassion Wise Inspirational Video for Child Development’ and created dramas demonstrating ways of showing compassion in our daily lives. 

Perseverance- we linked to our learning of Growth Mindsets and what a powerful impact this value can have on our learning. Our classroom is now decorated with slogans to keep us persevering during tough learning times.