Neurodiversity Days: Autumn 2023 and Spring 2024

As part of our equality plan for 2022-2026, we wanted to focus on neurodiversity with our pupils to increase their understanding of this. We spent two days this academic year thinking about neurodiversity.
DAY 1 (autumn term): we introduced the term "neurodiversity" to the children and focused on some specific messages: everyone's brains work differently, and we respect everyone's differences. Our special focus was: all brains are celebrated here.
DAY 2 (spring term): on the second day, we looked at different types of neurodiversity e.g. ADHD or autism or a child having sensory needs. We created a school display to remind us that all brains are celebrated here. Finally, at the end of day 2, all classes shared a video of what they had learnt over these two special days.