Sharing Assembly

The children have learnt a lot of exciting things this term and enjoyed sharing it with other children and parents during Sharing Assembly. The KS1 assembly was led by Year 2 and the KS2 assembly was led by Year 4. Well done to all children involved - they did a fantastic job at leading the proceedings!
Children from each class shared what they had learnt and what they were most proud of this term. We also celebrated all children who had completed a WOW card and also those with outside achievements, such as dancing exams, swimming certificates and football awards.
Each class chose 2 children for the 'DASP Citizenship Award' this term. Congratulations to:
  • Aiden and Kieran from Reception
  • Woody and Rowan from Year 1
  • Ned and Ellie from Year 2
  • Annabel and Zach from Year 3  
  • Harry and Alfie from Year 4