Spring 2020

Year 4 trip to the Nothe Fort
Year 4 dressed up as World War 2 evacuees and enjoyed a day at the Nothe Fort in Weymouth, finding out about what life was like as a child in the 1940s. They spent time in a classroom with a very strict teacher; learnt about rationing in the 1940s shop; spent time in an air raid shelter experiencing the sights and sounds of an air raid; learnt about how differently washing, cleaning, cooking and other household chores were done during the war and learnt about the role Weymouth played in WW2, particularly D Day. The evacuee team at the fort were in role for the whole day and did a great job of bringing that slice of history alive for the children.
Learning about household chores in the 1940s. Washing was usually done on one day of the week (Mondays). It was really hard work and would take all day as it was mainly done by hand.
The 1940s classroom. Year 4 learnt how strict the teachers were and how difficult it was to write with dip pens which were dipped in pots of ink.
Year 4 found out about air raids and what it was like to experience one whilst in an Anderson shelter or a Morrison shelter.  They also learnt how to put out any fires that occurred as a result of an air raid.
Arriving at Nothe Fort we had to have our identity cards checked by a guard. Then the children were taken to the village hall where a billeting officer helped to organise where they would be staying. The evacuees were chosen by local people who had some spare room for them to stay.
Learning about ARPs and Weymouth at war.
In the shop learning about rationing and the money used before decimalisation.