PE and Fitness Week

PE and Fitness Week
Each year, we have two special school weeks when we are off timetable for the whole week. In April, we held a special PE and Fitness Week.
There were lots of exciting activities during the week including:
  • A day of outside learning and activities including skateboard and scooter lessons, orienteering and Forest Schools
  • A day of Bollywood Dancing that culminated in dancing our routines in frront of our parents before teaching our parents some Bollywood moves too!
  • Relax Kids
  • Talking about mental health and wellbeing
  • Creating something to support our mental health and wellbeing e.g. calm bottles
  • A day focusing on plant-based food and cooking healthy food.
As always, it was an amazing week with the highlight being our whole school Bollywood performance in front of our parents, in the sunshine on the playground. Pure magic!!