Summer 2023

Class Trip to Swanage
Year 1 and Year 2 went on a class trip together to Swanage. We went on the steam train from Norden to Swanage. While we were at the beach we created our own beach pictures using water colour pencils. We have been inspired by the art of Turner and Monet. Turner painted steam trains and Monet painted lots of beach paintings. We had a super day, the journey on the train was a real adventure and we enjoyed lunch and ice lollies on the beach. 
Class Trip to Rock Reef
We were very lucky to have a second class trip this year. We went to Rock Reef in Bournemouth to learn how to climb. Some of us were very nervous about climbing but, everyone was very brave and had a good go. Miss Dixon was very impressed with everyone for overcoming their fears. After such a busy and exciting day, everyone went home feeling very tired, but proud of themselves. 
Natural collage in the style of Rousseau
In art we looked at the art of Rousseau and his jungle paintings. We collected natural materials to create our own jungle pictures. We added our own animals to our creations.